"If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days."
The first time I read this quote it really resonated with me, but I wasn't completely sure why. Years later, it's become very clear to me.
I've lived in three different places that have been pivotal in shaping the person I am today. I've called all three my home and find myself bouncing back and forth between all three places. In an ideal world I would combine everything I love about them into one perfect place. So, in an attempt to merge all my homes together, to create a space that connects everything I love, I welcome you to Camony Place. It is everything I love about California (CA), Missouri (MO) and New York (NY). Come in, take a look around and make yourself at home.

― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
The first time I read this quote it really resonated with me, but I wasn't completely sure why. Years later, it's become very clear to me.
Growing up in a picture-perfect suburb in Southern
California, I found myself wanting to experience more than the safe bubble where I’d
spent my entire life. Naturally, my first step out of the confines of this space
was college. Before that I’d traveled to different parts of the world with my
family and all across the U.S., but my first real experience living somewhere
other than Southern California was when I decided to leave it all behind and go
to school in the middle of Missouri.
At first it was a complete culture shock. I wasn’t sure if
this was something I wanted after all—maybe I was meant to always stay in
SoCal. Maybe I should have just gone to USC instead. But after the initial
shock of the first semester, everything seemed like a piece of cake. I found myself enjoying the people and places of Missouri and before I knew it, I
had made it my second home.
After a short return to California following graduation, I
decided it was time to take the leap and move to the publishing mecca of the
world—New York City. But I landed slightly to the west of it in New Jersey. No
matter, I was close enough to the bright lights and non-stop energy of New York
and I loved it. But, as is always the case, I found myself missing California.
As much as I loved my time in Missouri and adored NYC, I knew my heart always
belonged to California. It was time for me to accept that I was a California girl
deep down to my core and no amount of distance and time away from my home state
was going to change that.